Underdog Film Screening

31jan6:30 pmUnderdog Film ScreeningA Vermont Public Event


Free reservation


January 31, 2024 6:30 pm(GMT-04:00)


Main Stage

Other Events

Event Details

Wednesday, January 31 | 6:30 PM

In Underdog, a Vermont dairy farmer risks losing the only home he’s ever known to chase his dreams of dog mushing in Alaska. Revealed in intimate vérité, Doug at first presents as a modern Quixote, but then finds to his delight that sometimes the world can be as he imagines. The resonance of the journey extends to all who have faced down loneliness, isolation and the struggle to make sense of forces beyond control.

See of a preview of the film here.

Following the screening of this full-length documentary, stick around for a Q&A with the film’s director/editor/cinematographer Tommy Hyde and producer/writer Aaron Woolf.

The HCA Cafe will be serving a buffet dinner from 5 – 6:30PM with a menu including rice, salad, chickpea coconut curry, Indian butter chicken, homemade naan, and hot tea – $20.

In collaboration with Nice Marmot Films, Mosaic Films and Farm First.

Underdog Mushing


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