Water, Ice, Vapor: The Wonder of Water

17feb12:00 pm17mar5:00 pmWater, Ice, Vapor: The Wonder of WaterPhotographs by John Snell


February 17, 2024 12:00 pm - March 17, 2024 5:00 pm(GMT-05:00)



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Event Details

Photographs by John Snell

Saturday, February 17 – Sunday, March17, 2024

  • Opening reception: Sunday, February 18 | 3:00PM-5:00PM
  • Let’s Talk About Ice: A slide talk and tea. Thursday, February 29 | 1:00PM-3:00PM 

Water is so much a part of our lives we hardly think about it — unless we forget our umbrella, have worn windshield wipers, or misplace our favorite water bottle. Torrential rainstorms, frequent flooding, as well as deadly droughts, are evidence of the role water plays in the climate crisis.  

Life DEPENDS on water — It covers 70% of the earth and transports the sun’s energy around the planet. Water is essential for the human body — we are, in fact, 65% water.

Taking the time to notice, and photograph, water, ice and vapor (clouds) — allows me to connect with all of life and reminds me that I am part of this wondrous world. I am intrigued — often astonished — when I look through my camera’s lens — whether at reflections on a stream’s surface, delicate crystals of frost, or trees reaching for the clouds. Studying the science of water; and also recognizing the relationships indigenous cultures have with water, both intrigue me and compel me to learn more. It is clear every time I leave home, camera in hand, that life is an endless, wonderfully interwoven, and mysterious journey.

As I begin an outing, I often have an idea of what I might encounter, based on past experience and, of course, the weather, but I also make every effort to remain open to simply seeing what is there, in front of me. I invite you to be inspired by this exhibition — my vision, realized over sixty years. I also urge you to go outside and just look, and then photograph if you want to.  Standing in a noisy stream, feeling the wind-blown snow, or smelling the newly fallen rain, are all living life’s moments — something we only imagine while looking at these photographs. I find taking time to be out in the beautiful, real world — even if sometimes wet and cold — satisfies a thirst I sometimes forget I have.

–John Snell


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