Lisa Dimondstein

…really observe. During this time of isolation, I find subjects that absorb me into another world. Here are 2 of the ice meditation series that transported me for hours.

Isa Oehry

…I love painting on old, single pane barn windows which otherwise would be destined for the dump. However, nothing is really safe from my paint brush. See more art at:…

Julie Davis

…in Cambridge, Vermont. Painting can be a way to heal from, and escape the challenges in everyday life. My paintings are on exhibit at local galleries and on-line at….

Alice Eckles

Back to Collection I work from my studio in Middlebury, Vermont. You can learn more at My work expresses my joy in life in a synthesis of my experience…

Phyllis Chase

…offer an extensive collection of notecards featuring my plein air oil paintings, and my hand-cut silkscreens. They are all available on my website,  Click here to view more note cards….

Taryn Noelle

Times Like These…

No Soul



Guitar on Mars…