The Sheltering in Place Project

01jul11:00 am09aug(aug 9)4:00 pmThe Sheltering in Place ProjectBy Reservation


July 1, 2020 11:00 am - August 9, 2020 4:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

Event Details

A reflection by Vermont artists and writers’ on time spent during Covid-19

Notice for the private reception: In the event of rain the private reception will be canceled with no rain date.

Created by artist Hasso Ewing
Contributed to by over 100 Vermont artists and writers
Hosted by the Highland Center for the Arts
View the artist notebook here
Proceeds from sales of art benefit the Vermont Foodbank

Early this past winter the Fair Housing Project and the T. W. Wood Gallery & Arts Center collaborated to create a spring exhibition commemorating fair housing. Hasso Ewing submitted a piece for consideration, was accepted, and then traveled to Morocco. Covid-19 abruptly shortened her trip, she returned home to a shut-down and new, shared, unpredictable horizons. Reflecting upon this “new world” and the art she had submitted – of multiple plaster houses, nested in branches, representing fair housing and shelter – to the now cancelled TW Wood show, Ewing realized that this was no longer her OWN project.  Rather, she thought, since all Vermonters were sharing a new experience, her project should reflect that experience. 

So Ewing invited Vermont visual artists and writers to create a reflection of their time spent Sheltering in Place to stand as a memorial to what was lost, and gained, from sheltering in place during the time of Covid-19. 

The visual art submissions had to be no larger than 6 x 6 x 9 inches, weigh no more than 8 ounces, and be made from materials found in and around ones shelter.  Ewing collaborated with poet Geof Hewitt, who invited Vermont writers to create a haiku. 

Over 100 artists and writers responded with originality, insight and enthusiasm that must be witnessed and celebrated. 


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