Joe Loccisano

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Joseph Loccisano is a visual artist who lives in Montpelier, VT. He graduated from the University of South Florida with a BA degree in Fine Art (1986); MA in Intercultural Humanities (1998); and a Graduate Certificate Museum Studies (2015). From 1984 – 2017 he served as Gallery Director/Instructor at State College of Florida while teaching as an adjunct instructor at Ringling College of Art and Design and Nova Southeastern University in Florida. In 2018, he relocated to Vermont (which included a semester-long teaching appointment through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation at New College of Florida in 2019). He currently serves as a Peer Reviewer for the American Alliance of Museums on a voluntary basis. 

“My art is visceral — and a way to transform feeling, memory, and experience into archetypal images — where one is part of a universal and ever-evolving drama.”


  1. Using the word visceral to describe your work could not be more on point. A couple of theses pieces spoke to me on a very personal level. Thank you so much for this experience.

    1. Julie,
      Thank you so much for your kind compliment. I sincerely appreciate you sharing your experience of my work (and my description of it) — and, in particular, that it spoke to you on a very personal level.

  2. Goedenavond,
    Ik kreeg in 2017 van Mavis H. Yorks Shindler een schilderij door u getekend rain in the water van haar als dank,
    Het is prachtig, de kleuren en het thema zijn zo passend voor mij.
    Hartelijk dank

  3. Hi Joe!
    I , of course, have one of your fantastic boxes, bought by Annie and a super special gift- I have really enjoyed our lunches and peak into your beautiful spaces-
    I am sorry to say that Annie left our planet December 26- our hearts are broken but we are thankful that her valiant fight has released her to peace-
    Make a toast in her honor!

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