HCA Scene Shop
PEACE, 2020
wood, paint
Created by the HCA Scene Shop (Maya McCoy, Meghan Rublee, Keisha Luce, MacNeil) for Snowlights 2020.
WE <3 VT, 2020
wood, paint
We <3 VT was created by the HCA Scene Shop (Maya McCoy, Meghan Rublee, Keisha Luce, MacNeil) in appreciation of the people of our state.
Ant 2.0, 2021
paper mache, paint, pvc
Ant was created by the HCA Scene Shop (Les Snow, Steve Gonyaw, Lydia Quinn, Meghan Rublee, Keisha Luce, Naoma Thereault) for the 2021 Summer Bug Trail and lives on with a fresh coat of paint in the trees at Wilson Farm.