Open Every Day from Dawn to Dusk*

Gear up for a one-of-a-kind outdoor art experience! Ski or snowshoe at your own pace, and on your own time, through winter-proof works by regional artists. The trail begins at HCA and traverses the fields of neighboring Wilson Farm, offering various paths for all ages and abilities. From the majestic to the comical, delight in diverse art pieces in a beautiful natural setting.

Donations help us maintain the trail, bring in great artists, and keep it free for all. Thanks so much for the support!

Coming Soon: You won’t get lost without it, but the map is great for identifying artworks and artists when you’re on the trail.

THANK YOU WILSON FARM  for sharing your farmland for this trail and exhibit. Wilson Farm Market opens in May but you can find their culinary herbs, teas, elixirs, and salves all year round at

Greensboro Community Skating Rink

The rink is temporarily closed.

In partnership with the Greensboro Recreation Committee, we have a skating rink here for your enjoyment! Open dawn to dusk every day until mid-March, as weather permits. Please call 802-533-2000 or check HCA’s Facebook page for updated rink conditions.

Some skates will be available in our equipment library which is open Wednesday through Sunday Noon to 4 PM or by chance.

The Open Air Gallery Art and Artists: Coming Soon

For everyone’s safety & enjoyment, we have implemented the following guidelines:

  • This is an outdoor trail on snow. The trail may not always be groomed. Follow the artwork and the ski trail markers to stay on the trail.
  • The trail is open from dawn to dusk.
  • Please stay on the marked trail.
  • Please wear skis or snowshoes on the trail.
  • Only use the trail if you have no symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Dogs are allowed on the trail, but must be leashed.
  • No smoking on HCA or Wilson Farm property.
  • Do not touch the artwork.
  • Do not climb on the artwork.
  • We encourage you to take photos but no commercial photography is allowed.
  • Masks are encouraged, but optional indoors.
  • Services such as restrooms and the limited equipment library (located in the entryway) are available Wednesday through Sunday from Noon to 4 PM or by chance. The Café is open Saturdays and Sundays from 11 AM – 3 PM.
  • Skate, ski, and snowshoe at your own risk.

The Winter Trail in the News!

The Times Argus, ‘Where Are We Going?’: Art and Skis in Greensboro
Seven Days, Highland Center for the Arts Adorns a Snowy Trail With Sculpture in Greensboro
NBC, Outdoor Art Gallery on Vt. Ski and Snowshoe Trail


  1. I loved seeing the art along the trail today. It’s really super and so much of it is well placed.
    I wonder if there is a map that l shows the sculptures and artists? And is it available online?
    I’m also curious to know if the vivid orange banners are an artist’s work or part of HCA’s contribution to the grounds?


  2. what an awesome addition to include the work of Peter Schumann of the Bread And Puppet Theater on the ski and shows new trail again this year. His powerful iconic important political artisstic contributions Are stunning and powerful. Papier-mâché reliefs and recent giant painted bedsheets are stunning and impressive. please make sure to include him in your bio of artists, and don’t forget to visit in Bread And Puppet Museum just down the road! looking forward to the upcoming Bread And Puppet theater pop-up performances at the HCA!

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