Mary Elder Jacobsen

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“Ceres Says … ” is a fresh series, a “Ceres series” if you will, of single panel “cartoons” I began in March. The female figure, the goddess of agriculture, who graces the top of our Statehouse dome in Montpelier, inspired my “Ceres Says … ” character. The real one actually has no choice but to abide by the State’s “stay at home” directive. I’ve always loved that Vermont has a female figure of strength adorning her capitol, and I have been even more drawn to the figure since the new statue was carved and raised in place. I love the idea of having more women in high places with positive messages, and so a number of ideas I’ve had over the years around Ceres finally melded together and became a weekly expressive assignment I’ve given myself. It’s literally pigment on paper–pen & ink & sometimes watercolor. 

I had a cartoon strip way back in college and it feels good to dive back into this medium after thinking about it for some time. Images, line, the flow of the pen, playing with ideas offer a welcome reward, like getting extra recess out on the playground away from our interior days.


  1. Really love these. they are fresh, creative and yes to the female figure in a place of strength ! I am enjoying seeing your process.

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